martedì 3 maggio 2011

It is soon to say Jack Russell.....

It is soon to say jack russell terrier.
When each of us happen to come out with children or with his wife, a lover for a walk, shopping or for some other reason happened to say: Watch a jack russell.
In 90% of cases what you seemed to a jack russell in contrast was a like jack russell. over the past 10 years, this breed was overworked, exploited and destroyed by improvised breeders who have never respected the breed standard, which provides precise parameters.
from the outset what must be noted in a jack russell are the ears, I say this because we see increasingly jack with pointed ears; the funniest thing is that the masters are believed to have a real jack russell saying that also has the pedigree. the pedigree does not necessarily indicate a jack breed or without defects. If I did cross my jack foxwarren with a jack with a pedigree of Eastern Europe or morphologically not standard would continue to produce monsters.
The real jack russell's ears should be addressed to of course button downwards, of medium consistency, why this? Because when they enter into the lair of the ear canal allowing cable on earth not to enter.
Head and Skull: The skull is flat and of moderate width going to degrade gradually towards the eyes towards the snout and moderately broad, with strong jaws. The stop is well defined but not too pronounced. The length from the stop to the nose should be slightly shorter than from stop to occiput, with well-developed cheek muscles. The truffle is black.
Eyes: Small, dark, almond-shaped with keen expression. Should not be prominent and palpebral must be close-fitting and pigmented black.
Mouth: Wide, broad, powerful jaws, lips with solid pigment with a perfect scissor
Neck: Strong and clean allowing a balanced poise of the head.
Front: Shoulder well inclined and not weighted by muscles. Forelegs straight from the shoulder to the tip of the foot is seen in front of that side and with sufficient length of the forearm to allow the elbow to stand under the body, with the sternum clearly prominent compared to the scapula.
Body: Deeper than broad chest, good breadth and with the tip of the chest in the middle of the height at the withers. The body should be marginally proportionate way longer than tall, measured from the withers to the root of the tail slightly greater than that from the withers to the ground. Horizontal back. The ribs should initially SAG and then flatten the sides so the girth behind the elbows can be contained between two hands (about 40 cm to 43 cm).
Rene short, strong and very muscular.
Rear: Strong and muscular, balanced in proportion to the shoulder, back legs parallel when viewed from behind in the free position. Hocks low, well angled.
Paws:Round, hard, compact, not large, toes moderately arched. Not bent on the outside or inside.
Queue: In rest can bend. In motion must be erected and, if cut, the tip should be at the same level of the ears.
Gait and movement
Disbanded and jumping.
Mantle: Can be burned, broken or rough. It must be waterproof and preferably unchanged.
Color: White must predominate with black spots, Fawn or brown.
Ideal height: 25 cm to 30 cm.
The weight should be equivalent to 1 kg each 5 cm high (approximately 25 cm a dog should weigh 5 kg and a dog of about 30 cm 6 kg).
Defects: Any deviation from the above points should be considered defect and its importance is evaluated based on proportion.
The following defects, however, should be particularly penalized:
1. lack of true terrier characteristics
2. lack of harmony
3. lazy or inharmonious motion
4. bad mouth
Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum

venerdì 25 marzo 2011

Jackie to Hollywood

Jackie a Hollywood

domenica 20 marzo 2011

Jack Russell Terrier Foxwarren Jackie

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

martedì 1 marzo 2011

Jack Russell Terrier Foxwarren: a dog, a story.....

Dogs of the type "terrier" have ancient origins: at the time of the Roman conquest of Britain, as Arrian in his "commentary" (55 BC), the Terriers were used for hunting in lair.
Arrian calls themAgassin"," while it is in the middle ages that Dr. Caius in his "Canibus Britannicis," defines them for the first time "Terrars" and defines them great hunters in lair, but also dear exterminators mice.
Heroin ' 700 hunting was considered elite sport and as such was practiced only by nobles and landowners. The lower classes, the nobility forbade a decree, which also included a ban on owning dogs from hunting.
Peasants, however, was allowed to keep small dogs, … (rats were a veritable social plague, destroying the scarce food resources of the poorer classes and bringing diseases). Become famous thanks to ratting Terriers, small peasants were required also by the nobility for hunting
Fox, who had taken the place of deer hunting (dismissed from its habitat due to agricultural progress and the beginning of industrial development).

According to the few evidences Trump was at short leg and torso, with long, shaggy white coat, black ears and brown specks on the tip of the tail. Certainly Trump set off a breeding programme which, according to Russell would bring dogs very nimble and snappy, aggressive and combative and very low limbs (to facilitate entry into the burrow and allow the dog to follow the Fox also meanders and tunnels that burrowwhat the terrier then couldn't do).
Jack Russell Terrier originated in Devonshire, in England, in 1800 for merit of the work of the Reverend John Russell who selected a type of Terrier suitable to run with its Foxhound and able to penetrate in tana, creating a race with the aptitude for hunting. The final push came when Russell came into possession of the "mythical" dog named Trump, whose ability to Huntress Reverend fell deeply in love to the point of deciding to engage in the reproduction of copies of the same features, making pair Trump with Fox Terrier (soon were inserted bloodlines ofldogbulthe laterbeagle, Border Terrier and Lakeland terrier). Ensued two varieties, generally similar except for some differences in the proportions: the highest now known asParson Russell Terrier, adapted to run behind horses in hunting, and lowest (short leg) known as Jack Russell Terrier: copies of "Jack" were brought by horse in Scrip at hunting and released as the Fox had managed to take refuge in the lair. The purpose of this breed was in fact to huntfoxes, rates and rabbits directly into the Lair, as well as all the "Terriers" that are literally "dogs burrow." Very important for the selection of the breed was the greatness of the "span" of the chest or the possibility of holding the hands to do this enter the tana della volpe; the bloodlines reared out from England do not respect this feature sought after and desired in 1800 by Rev. J. Russell. In doing so, in my opinion, perhaps the most intrinsic characteristic of the breed or be a dog by tana; This exasperation of Australian bloodline and similar to having a dog more square, squat and oriented more towards exposures of beauty that not for lair i.e. the real reason for thatthis breed.
Jack Russell Terrier
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